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Essential Oil Recipes for Common Conditions

Leila & San


Helpful for depression, stress, anxiety, coughs and colds and muscular aches and pains, it is also useful for griping pains in the stomach and for healing cracked and chapped skin.


Uplifting anti- depressant Balancing for the appetite. Bergamot oil can be used in the treatment of depression, stress, tension, fear, hysteria, infection (all types including skin), anorexia, psoriasis, eczema and general convalescence. It is especially useful for balancing the appetite and is one of the best oils to use for depression.

Clary Sage

The effects of this oil are often described as Euphoric but most people become very relaxed. It is helpful with anxiety, stress, depression, emotional exhaustion. It is a powerful muscle relaxant . Clary sage is an aphrodisiac and is helpful where stress between a couple is causing sexual difficulties. Do not use this oil when drinking alcohol as it can lead to nightmares. This oil should not be used in pregnancy.


Helps coughs, colds, sinus problems, cystitis, headaches, anti inflammatory, muscular aches and pains, arthritis, rheumatism, sprains


Helpful for Cystitis, colds, depression, panic attacks, asthma. Frankincense oil soothes and calms the mind, slowing down and deepening breathing and is excellent for use when meditating. It also helps to calm anxiety and obsessive states linked to the past.

On the respiratory tract, it clears the lungs and helps with shortness of breath, asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, coughs and colds.

It can be useful to ease heavy periods, is a general tonic to the uterus and has a calming effect during labour. It is also most helpful for rheumatism and has a positive impact on the urinary tract.

Frankincense oil is said to help rejuvenate an ageing skin, is a skin tonic and is effective with sores, wounds, scars and skin inflammation.


Balancing, stabilising and nurturing, helps varicose veins, irritable bowel syndrome, pre-menstrual tension, menopause, anxiety, stress, nervous tension, depression, acne, cellulite, eczema and hormonal imbalance.


varicose veins, loss of appetite, colds, sinus, arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, nausea, warming for the muscles.


This essential oil is useful for more than just fighting cellulite and boosting your lymphatic system - it positively affects your mood and revives the mind while stimulating the digestive system and clearing up congested oily skin and acne.


Helps head aches, renews skin cells, migraine, minor burns, aids sleep, helps high blood pressure, varicose veins, indigestion, cystitis, sinus problems, irritable bowel syndrome, pre- menstrual tension, aches and pains- muscular, sprains, anxiety, stress, nervous tension, depression, emotional exhaustion, panic attacks, hormonal imbalance, aids the concentration, nausea, asthma, acne, cellulite, eczema, fungal infections and shingles. Do not use in pregnancy.


Lowers high blood pressure, colds, headaches, muscular aches and pains, arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, anxiety, stress, tension, depression, insomnia, helps constipation


As with lavender, this essential oil is one of the most popular essential oils, as it not only has great therapeutic properties, but also has the most incredible smell. It has a greatly relaxing effect on the body and mind, relieving muscle spasms, calming heart palpitations. Neroli oil can help to regenerate skin cells and is a rejuvenating oil useful to heal scar tissue, promote a smoother skin, fighting stretch marks and broken capillaries.


Cellulite, Depression, lethargic, digestive, constipation, dyspepsia,nervous tension, stress

A happy sunny oil, helps the immune system and promotes a feeling of well being. It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its lymphatic stimulant action further helps to balance water processes, detoxification, aiding the immune system and general feeling of well-being. It is helpful for the digestive system as it helps with constipation, dyspepsia and as a general tonic. It is also useful in cases of nervous tension and stress


Anxiety, stress, tension, depression, lethargic, eczema, grounding.

The oil was used by some hippies to mask the smell of marijuana. It is a base note and is an aphrodisiac. It grounds and stabilises the mind and is relaxing. In skin care it is helpful for eczema The oil was used by some hippies to mask the smell of marijuana. It is a base note and is an aphrodisiac. It grounds and stabilises the mind and is relaxing. In skin care it is helpful for eczema


anti depressant, convalescence, anxiety, stress, tension, asthma, acne

This oil is anti depressant, comforting in convalescence, helps ease anxiety, stress, tension, asthma, acne


Colds, Indigestion, headache, sinus, irritable bowel syndrome, aids concentration, nausea, deodorant


This oil is very stimulating and is good for the circulation and concentration. It must be used with caution if a person has high blood pressure, epilepsy or has had a stroke.


A very calming oil which can help a person who needs to feel grounded to the earth’s energy. It is excellent in helping to relax aching muscles and helps anxiety, stress, tension

Ylang ylang

This base note is a powerful aphrodisiac. It can lower high blood pressure and can help with panic attacks, IBS, menopause, anxiety, stress, tension, depression, insomnia, panic attacks, helps promote hair growth.

Please note

Only blend essential oils with advise from a qualified aromatherapist and do not use in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Consult GP or aromatherapist for use if any medical conditions are present.


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